Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
About Me
Dr. Shohreh Doustani, DAIM (Dr. of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine), L.Ac, MS.
I grew up in a large, healthy and active family. Now that I refresh my memories, I see how the variety of herbs, spices, fresh fruits and vegetables which my mom used every day and the closeness to nature, which my father initiated, formed my personality. We learned from childhood what fruits and vegetables belonged to each season and how the nature of each of them is balanced with the seasons. How some products are considered “warm” and some other “cold” in nature. And what food, vegetables, and fruits we should consume during the summer time vs. the winter time. What herbal remedies should be taken for various body reactions to elements. Such healthy teachings were part of our daily lives.
I vividly recall my deep frowns and the change in my face when my mom came in the room, while I was laying down with a fever or sickness, with a bowl of Aash (a hearty herbal soup) or a little saucer of strong herbs, and made me or my siblings eat or drink them and would say: “my dear, it is good for you. Have it and then sleep. You will get better.” and we pushed it down and slept and… how well we felt afterward.
When my first daughter was born, she developed Jaundice a few days after coming to the world. The doctor told us to take her to the hospital if it won’t get better within 24 hours. There my mom came in with an herbal elixir she had made. She asked me to drink it before nursing the baby and was planning to give a diluted version to the baby. I was quite apprehensive. She calmed me down by saying that for the past many generations that was how they healed the babies in this condition. We gave her the diluted version in a bottle and amazingly, my daughter woke up the next day looking much better. The jaundice fully disappeared after a few days.
As an educated adult, I later on admired the chemical-free treatments and the herbal remedies and the closeness to the nature we grew up with.
I became a teacher while I was studying to become a computer scientist. Though I loved teaching, the ongoing pain caused by my TMJ disorder, which was caused by dental work, opened up a new chapter in my life. The unrelentless pain made me so weak that I could not teach anymore. . I was taking strong pain medications and muscle relaxers and they were taking their toll on my body. Due to the excruciating pain, I had lost my appetite and lost weight. I was traveling across California going from San Francisco to Santa Monica, and to Los Angeles visiting prominent oral surgeons. Every recommended path by the doctors ended up with “surgery.” The preparation, the process, and the aftermath of the proposed surgeries portrayed a grim, painful, and hair-raising future, considering that I was raising two little elementary school daughters then.
I met an acupuncturist. I learned about the effects of acupuncture in reducing pain and inducing natural healing, and I decided to try it before undergoing an invasive surgery. And Something extraordinary happened: I could reduce my pain medications after taking a few sessions of acupuncture. I learned to take a holistic approach to my body: I changed my diet, started going back to how I was brought up and re-took refuge in herbal treatments, and gained equilibrium. I forgo surgery for good and started a normal life.
This remarkable recovery without the need for an invasive surgery and intrusive medications through Traditional Chinese Medicine’s phenomenal ability to restore my health inspired me to study acupuncture and help others who are in a similar situation. I quit my computer science major and dived into the mystery of acupuncture and herbal medicine. I was eager to learn how the dextrous fingers of an acupuncturist stimulated the acu-points across a network of channels in the body, known as meridians, and helped to restore sufficient, continuous, and even flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body; thus, restoring health and balance of the body, and promoting its natural healing ability. It was time to build on my upbringing with healing with “whole foods” and become one with the healing power of nature.
Soon, I started my adventure and graduated from the Acupuncture Integrative Medicine College of Berkeley (AIMC) with a Master's degree in Oriental Medicine and have been privileged to share my love of the traditional Chinese integrative medicine with my patients for the past 18 years.
Alongside my practice, I also served as a contract acupuncturist at the Center for Elders Independence and volunteered my time as an acupuncturist for the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic in Oakland, treating low income women whose lives were challenged by cancer.
Being a life-long learner, I studied Reiki and became a certified Reikie Master. My exceptional experience at the temple of Shaolin in China provided me with skills in medical Qi Gong.. I then pursued my dream of elevating my education to a higher level: I entered the Doctoral program for Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine and received my Doctorate. The focus of my doctoral thesis was on multi-inflammatory syndrome of Long Covid, a community which may not be receiving enough attention.
And to add a more holistic approach to the wellness of my patients, I followed through with a certificate in Functional Medicine.
In the past several years, something else changed my health. I became diagnosed with Celiac disease which had caused multi-inflammatory syndromes in my body and I became 100% gluten free. I have learned how to navigate this, sometimes arduous, path of staying off gluten and learned moderation, care, and sympathy with many others who have similar symptoms and provided consultation to them to align their bodies and regain their health.
Believing in the merit of Integrative Medicine, I have faith that a combination of traditional Chinese Medicine and integrative medicine and Western medicine will provide a significant opportunity for patients to actively and joyfully stride on the path to a vibrant and healthy life. It creates an effective way to restore the health and balance of the body, treat a wide variety of medical problems, and relieve pain and other symptoms.
With high esteem, integrity, and compassion, I am committed to providing my patients with the highest standards of health care. I make your health my concern.
I live in the Bay Area with my husband. I am now a grandma with two precious grand daughters whom I adore and cherish.
I enjoy learning, wether by reading, listening to Audio-books, podcasts and stories, watching and listening to the soothing voice of David Attenborough, who share the same love for the mother earth and nature, or doing restorative yoga, hiking, backpacking, reformer pilates Gluten-free baking, and trying new tea shops. If I don’t do any of these, I color books. I make every one of these activities a meditation session.
I love to be part of your journey to health, success, and a balanced life.
Join me for calm and compassionate sessions of healing.